Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sanders, Cummings call on DOJ to investigation generic drug manufacturers’ ‘multi-year conspiracy’ of drug...

"The Department of Justice must hold these bad actors accountable to the fullest extent of the law."

Former healthcare executive pleads guilty to bribing state senator

“Raveendran’s plea based on his egregious criminal conduct underscores our decision to charge him initially for Medicaid fraud following our extensive investigation involving millions of documents.”

Many breakfast cereals still test positive for Roundup, new report confirms

Of the 21 oat-based cereals tested, all but four tested contained a level of glyphosate that is higher than deemed safe for children by scientists at Environmental Working Group.

The USDA wants to privatize food safety inspections

"This dangerous proposal could rid beef slaughter plants of most government inspectors."

America’s dental health crisis: Modern life causes more tooth decay, and care is increasingly...

Millions of Americans lack access to oral health care, and vulnerable communities are in desperate need of a solution.

Will the Trump USDA deliver on the dietary guidelines for Americans? Our new report...

The bottom line is this: if it is important to ensure the guidelines are evidence-based, it is essential to recognize that even evidence-based guidelines are only as effective as their implementation.

The AMA stops us from getting health care

It’s time to put patients first for once in this country, and offer Medicare For All to every American.

Racism as a public health crisis

Milwaukee’s novel approach to combating racial inequity should inspire other cities.

Microplastics in every bite: News study confirms human consumption of plastic

A new study confirms that on average, humans consume 50,000 bits of plastic a year and inhales nearly the same amount.