Monday, May 20, 2024

DEA Ignores Science, Refuses To Loosen Restrictions On Marijuana

“President Obama always said he would let science — and not ideology — dictate policy, but in this case his administration is upholding a failed drug war approach instead of looking at real, existing evidence that marijuana has medical value.”

FDA Approves Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Combat Zika in Florida

The FDA said that its decision to approve Oxitec’s Florida field trials does not mean the GMO mosquitoes are approved for commercial use.

WikiLeaks: Alcohol Industry Bribed Congress To Denounce Cannabis

Newly leaked information reveals that officials in some of the top alcohol companies in America spent money on persuading members of Congress to pay attention to the alleged problem of “marijuana-impaired driving."

House Passes GMO Label Law, Advocates Urge Obama to Veto the DARK Act

The majority of Americans support labeling for GMOs and will hold their elected officials accountable for stripping away this transparency.

The War on Weed Part II: Monsanto, Bayer, and the Push for Corporate Cannabis

Why are powerful corporations, like Monsanto, suddenly backing the legalization of cannabis?

Coal Dust Responsible for Thousands of Deaths in the E.U.

Not only does burning coal cost companies and governments billions of pounds in disease treatment and lost working days, but it is proven to be the cause of thousands of deaths.

After Lead Contamination in House Office Building’s Water, Lawmakers Demand EPA Reforms

61 representatives are demanding the EPA improves its lead regulations after learning that the drinking water in one of the Congressional office buildings had been shut off due to lead contamination.

The U.S. Supreme Court Makes Herstory

This significant legal victory was obtained not only in the chambers Supreme Court but through years of organizing at the grass-roots, in the media and in the halls of the Texas Legislature.

Uh-Oh Monsanto: EU Glyphosate License Set to Expire this Month

Glyphosate may soon be off European shelves permanently.

Supreme Court Overturns Restrictive Texas Abortion Law

What does the new decision mean for other states with TRAP laws?