Monday, June 17, 2024

A plant that sterilizes medical equipment spews cancer-causing pollution on tens of thousands of...

Beal, of the EPA, said that the Biden administration has “reinvigorated its commitment to protect public health from toxic air emissions from industrial facilities.” And she said ethylene oxide in particular is a major priority.

How the Biden administration is planning to reform the meat industry

Individuals can vote for better meat industry regulations by choosing environmentally educated government representatives.

Court ruled against USDA’s GMO QR code labeling requiring additional on-package labeling

“Today’s decision marks a key step toward ending the food industry’s deceptive and discriminatory GMO food labeling practices, which have kept consumers in the dark by concealing what’s in their products.”

Life-Saving Allergy Treatment Is Becoming Too Expensive For Families To Afford

Over the past nine years, since Mylan bought the rights to the EpiPen, the price for the easy-to-use injectors has quintupled — increasing about 450 percent, from around $50 for one injector to $600 for a pack of two.

FDA denies petitions to ban phthlates in food packaging

"It’s outrageous that FDA decided chemicals banned from children’s toys should remain in the food we eat. Families deserve better from FDA.”

Nearly 18 million US adults couldn’t afford a prescription medication this year: Study

The finding came as the Biden administration unveiled its plan to allow the government to negotiate drug prices directly with Big Pharma.

Capitol Hill staff prevent journalists from reporting on health care protesters

In at least one case, a journalist says he was forced to delete a video he had recorded.

Workers gear up for major May Day Strike in pushback against unsafe conditions amid...

One organizer explained that the goal is to “push back with large numbers against the right-wing groups that want to risk our lives by reopening the economy.”

Public health first

The richest nation in the world surely has enough resources to keep its people safe at home for as long as it takes.

Pharma CEOs grilled by Sanders: A standoff on drug pricing

"In a fiery Senate showdown, Senator Bernie Sanders challenges Big Pharma on exorbitant U.S. drug prices, revealing the stark divide between profit margins and patient access to essential medications."