Monday, June 17, 2024

Montana eased regulations for Keystone XL after lobbying by TransCanada

By the year’s end, TransCanada expects to make a final decision on whether to proceed with Keystone XL.

This organization wants to create a thousand Bernie Sanders. Here’s how.

The Incorruptibles aims to mobilize people across America to choose true progressives for candidates in the primaries ahead of the 2018 midterms.

Victories require vigilance: NationofChange joins Our Lives On The Line rally in Washington, DC

The health care fight is not over. And the Americans that marched to the White House Saturday will make sure that both sides keep working on it.

Video reveals US border patrol agents responsible for causing teen’s death

Both CBP officers admitted they never received any disciplinary action for directly causing the death of a teenager.

Trump’s big loss

Settling our differences through ballots and agreed-upon processes rather than through force is what separates democracy from authoritarianism. Trump wants the latter.

New campaign: Close all US military bases on foreign soil

U.S. foreign military bases are NOT in defense of U.S. national, or global security.

Fox News host: “Police brutality was exaggerated”

Greg Gutfeld: “Police brutality was exaggerated. I believe it's exaggerated...”

Ohio teachers win back regular raises

Preparation, communication, and unity were the keys to their success.

Three Republicans vote to kill Senate effort to repeal Obamacare

All it took was three Republicans to vote against the bill. Has this killed Republicans efforts to repeal Obamacare for good?

The Democrats’ new agenda is everything that’s wrong with the party

More bland messaging and populist posturing won’t save the Democrats. The party needs to take a bold stand against corporate power.