Friday, July 26, 2024

Republicans Call Everyone But Governor Snyder for Congressional Hearing on Flint Water Crisis

It is unknown who will be called to testify at the hearing, or why the Governor of the State, whose administration and appointees were responsible for the decisions that led to the public being forced to drink and bathe in contaminated water for so long, isn’t being called to the hearing.

Cleveland Police Ask For Emergency Suspension Of Open Carry Laws During Republican Convention

"I don't care if it's constitutional or not at this point."

Philando Castile Shooting: What You Should Know

Gov. Dayton has requested that The Department of Justice open an independent investigation into Castile’s death.

Mumia Abu-Jamal Moved from Prison to Intensive Care, Supporters Seek Access and Answers

Imprisoned journalist and former Black Panther, Mumia Abu-Jamal, has been taken to the Intensive Care Unit of his prison hospital without notifying his family. Democracy Now discusses this situation and what needs to happen next.

Writing as Resistance

Doomed writers buried their accounts of the Warsaw ghetto in the hope that they could teach whoever unearthed the documents about good, evil, indifference and the importance of the truth as an act of resistance. They have left us a trove of papers on how to construct a life of meaning.

Arturo the World’s Saddest Polar Bear Dies in Captivity

At least 64 captive animals have died at the Mendoza Zoo in the last 7 months, reportedly due to bacteria outbreaks and overcrowding. Arturo died on Sunday due to a “blood circulation imbalance.”

The Bahamas Just Issued a Travel Warning to the United States

A travel warning was issued by the Bahamas about police violence occurring in the United States.

Prison Labor Revolts Shake the Foundations of the Corporate State, Part I

The struggle doesn’t end with prison labor. Prisons also serve a generally repressive function, of which labor is a particular manifestation.

It Takes a Movement

In short, “the real world we’re living in” right now won’t allow fundamental change of the sort we need. It takes a movement.

Outrage and calls for justice after Sonya Massey’s fatal shooting by police in Illinois

Campaigners and political leaders across the United States respond with outrage and calls for justice after the release of body camera footage showing the deadly police shooting of Sonya Massey, an unarmed 36-year-old Black woman from Springfield, Illinois.