Sunday, May 19, 2024

‘No regard for the law’: Starbucks to deny union workers new paid leave benefits

"Their goal is to retaliate against and punish union stores," said Starbucks Workers United.

Greta Thunberg joins 630+ young people in landmark climate lawsuit against Sweden

"The Swedish state fails to meet the constitutional requirement to promote sustainable development leading to a good environment for present and future generations," said the plaintiffs.

Emails show FBI and police are monitoring Oregon anti-pipeline activists

The emails circulated by the task force include activists' social media posts, emails and rally announcements.

‘A win for Civil Rights’: Federal judge blocks Florida GOP’s anti-protest law

"We are glad the court has agreed to suspend enforcement of this key provision while we continue to advocate to ensure that protesters in Florida can safely exercise their right to speak out against injustice."

Oklahoma Supreme Court upholds right to life-saving abortions, blocks restrictive statutes

Oklahoma Supreme Court's stance on abortion: protecting life-saving procedures amid strict regulations.

How leaders in the Department of Labor are fighting for workers’ rights

“We have an opportunity right now to buy American and build America like never before.”

After Keystone XL: TransCanada Building North American Fracked Gas Pipeline Empire

It's safe to say that TransCanada is quickly morphing into “TransMexico” and more broadly into a North American fracked gas pipeline empire.

Women, children fleeing Ukraine vulnerable to human trafficking

Organizations and volunteers working with refugees at border crossings and transit points have warned a lack of official organization has left those arriving at serious risk of exploitation.

One Man’s War

Bringing Iraq to America

Trump can’t hold back the tide of climate action

Market forces, state and local action, and strong social movements could blunt the impacts of a denialist White House.