Thursday, April 25, 2024

30 Powerful Photos Show Standoff Between Militarized Police and Dakota Access Pipeline Protestors

The Dakota Access Pipeline is a direct threat to the life, rights and water of the Standing Rock Sioux.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back for the Feds on Private Prisons

The Department of Homeland Security looks to reopen facilities the Justice Department will no longer contract with.

Arrested Pipeline Protesters Reportedly Detained Inside Dog Kennels

Since Thursday, at least 142 activists have been arrested while protesting against the North Dakota oil pipeline.

Activists Protest Outside CNN Demanding Fair and Accurate Reporting on Standing Rock

CNN, as well as most other mainstream media outlets, have failed to report on nearly any development of the pipeline dispute.

Dalit Lives Matter

Technology has helped to facilitate these movements locally and disseminated information about them throughout the world in a way earlier generations of activists could have only dreamed about.

Monsanto Was Put On Trial For Ecocide At The Hague

Monsanto has earned the dubious distinction of being the most hated corporation on Earth.

Why Bernie Sanders’ Brainstorm Shouldn’t Die

While running for office, Sanders backed the idea of using the US Postal Service as an alternative to pay lenders and other expensive fringe financial services.

This Natural Disaster Assistance Law Is Why Other States Are Policing Dakota Access Pipeline...

“The world is watching the violence of local police at the Camp at Standing Rock — and we are horrified.”

The Injustice at Standing Rock Is an American Story

I'm angry. White people in Oregon are acquitted while Native people in North Dakota are attacked by riot police from five states. And our politicians are preoccupied.

Sorry for Killing Your Son, CIA Tells Drone Strike Victim’s Family During Unprecedented Meeting

For years they have refused to release details of the strikes, fighting successive court cases brought by relatives of strike victims and by civil liberties groups.