Monday, May 20, 2024

Spreading hate and bigotry: WSJ and NYT’s offensive pieces ignite fury over Islamophobic narratives

In a world where headlines often shape perceptions, two leading newspapers' recent pieces have sparked a fierce debate over the role of media in perpetuating Islamophobia and bigotry, challenging us to confront the shadows cast by biased narratives.

Loving America and resisting Trump

The new patriotism.

Not just Standing Rock: Pipelines threaten native lands across the country

‘We are probably going to have to resist one pipeline at a time for many decades to come, and maybe longer,’ a Cherokee researcher tells MintPress as a Ramapough Lunaape chief says, ‘We need help now.’

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Baltimore set to become first major American city to outlaw water privatization, House Democrats fight back against Big Pharma, Republicans want to give Trump the power to shut down media, and more.

Congressional energy and climate committees are loaded with ex-fossil fuel lobbyists

Ex-lobbyists-turned-congressional-staffers get bonuses from their old employers as a parting gift as they step through the reverse revolving door.

Michigan initiatives clash on how to stop GOP’s election deniers

Competing state constitutional amendments go to different lengths to enshrine voting rights and target anti-voter legislation and court rulings.

Chicago police need “overhaul” after foot chases led to Alvarez & Toledo killings within...

“There is this real sense that Brown and Black lives, they don’t have the value that they should when Chicago police officers confront our youth.”

Remembering Stonewall: On 50th anniversary, leaders of uprising look back on sparking the LGBTQ...

Fifty years ago today, just after midnight, at 1:30 in the morning on June 28, 1969, New York City police officers raided...

Environmentalists tie Trump’s hands on deep-sea mining

A federal court settlement requires the government to assess the impact of strip-mining the ocean floor before issuing exploration permits to companies.

How the infrastructure program builds climate resilience and saves lives

“The ultimate responsibility of the government is to keep people safe.”