Monday, May 6, 2024

Donald Trump Calls Them ‘Thugs.’ Here’s What Trump Protesters Are Really Like.

“Increasing the minimum wage is important for me and my family, and Trump hasn’t discussed it.”

Pushing Carbon Tax and Fracking Ban, Sanders Lays Down Gauntlet on Climate

"I hope that Secretary Clinton would join me if we are serious about climate change, about imposing a tax on carbon on the fossil fuel industry and making massive investments in energy efficiency and sustainable energy. And by the way... I hope you’ll join me in ending fracking in the United States of America."

Dead Bees Tell a Tale of Dozens of Pesticides

Fifty-seven agricultural chemicals are found in victims of mysterious colony collapse disorder.

10 Stunning Images Show Human’s Huge Impact on the Earth

Proof of humanity’s devastating footprint on Earth can be seen in these stunning images.

GMA Found Guilty of $11 Million Cover Up in GMO Labeling Fight

In a decision made public late Friday, a Thurston County Superior Court judge ruled the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association violated Washington campaign finance disclosure laws by shielding the identities of major corporate donors funding efforts to defeat a food labeling initiative in Washington.

How Activists Mobilized to Shut Down Trump In Chicago

“Thousands of protesters from all over the city, led by black, Latino, and Muslim activists, spent days organizing the protest, motivated by Trump’s incendiary remarks about communities of color and religious minorities.”

Why Peace People Should Care About Money in Politics

While millions of people all over the world are being killed and injured by wars and violence, a small few are making billions from the never-ending war machine.

3 Reasons the Historic U.S.-Canada Commitment to Curbing Methane Emissions Is Big

There is a reason we held a Climate Reality Leadership Corps training in Toronto last year: Canada is a crucial player in the climate fight.

EU Glyphosate Rebellion Gathers Strength as Health Commissioner Shocks Pesticide Industry

This move by France and their EU partners will hit the biotech giant Monsanto and other large pesticide companies which rely on glyphosate-based herbicides for a large percentage of their global profits.