Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Once Again, the VA Turns Down Navy Vets for Agent Orange Benefits

A federal court had ordered the VA to reassess its policy denying Agent Orange benefits to Navy sailors who served in the Vietnam War. The VA’s conclusion: They still don’t qualify.

How Intel Eliminated Its Own Gender Pay Gap

Intel, no flashy new startup, can now boast that women make the same pay for doing the same work as men.

Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water

The thousands of Michigan children who were knowingly poisoned were victims of an American moral malaise: Our nation has bred generations of bureaucrats who are blind to values other than self-advancement and profit.

Jail The Bankers And Take Back Control Over Money

If the economic proposals described in this episode of Clearing the FOG were put into effect, Wall Street would be tamed and the people would regain control of the economy.

A Fitbit for Polar Bears Reveals Their Struggle to Survive

Scientists document that climate change is forcing the animals to exert more energy to find food.

Arctic Sea Ice Levels Hit Record Low After Unusually Warm January

Observations show an increase in the rate of winter sea ice loss in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic up until the late 1990s followed by a slowdown in more recent years.

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Talks About Her Plan to Get People to Accept GMOs

Watch Hillary Clinton explain at a Biotech convention her plan to change the narrative of how GMOs are promoted to the public in order to get their support.

America’s Lead Poisoning Problem Is Everywhere

Flint, Michigan, may be in the spotlight for the state of emergency due to lead-contaminated water, but they aren't the only city dealing with lead poisoning.

Thousands Rally for Chicago Teachers as Banks vs. Schools Battle Rages

"We need the political leadership of the city to know that schools can't keep being the last priority."

Political Poison

The Flint lead disaster exposed the callousness of people like Michigan’s governor, who blame the poor for all of their misfortune.