Friday, July 26, 2024

Defense Dept employee charged with espionage

“The conduct alleged in this complaint is a grave threat to national security, placed lives at risk, and represents a betrayal of our armed forces.”

CodePink founder Medea Benjamin threatened with arrest after protesting U.S. Foreign interventions

I think people should know that there is a systematic attempt to intimidate those of us who are standing up for international law.

Federal judge rules against Education Department in student borrower protection cases

"This is such an important win for student borrowers and anyone who cares about a government that operates under the rule of law."

Progressive Briefing for Thursday, September 6

New study links air pollution to dementia, U.K. accuses Russian spies of implementing nerve agent attack, anonymous White House official publishes scathing NYT op-ed, and more.

How keeping workers safe benefits employers

Companies are beginning to understand that creating safe working environments bring various benefits aside from protecting profits.

Dedicated Trump Supporter Arrested For Building Bombs to Kill Muslims

William Celli has been arrested after police found and deactivated a homemade bomb in his home.

Why Bernie Sanders is pushing for more employee-owners in the workforce

In times when Washington is unlikely to agree on much, employee ownership offers a bipartisan approach toward building a stronger and more just economy.

CEO Who Raised the Price of Life-Saving Drug 4000 Percent Arrested for Fraud

Martin Shkreli, "the most hated man in America", has been arrested on charges of security fraud, unrelated to his price gouging.

Mass shootings still happen all the time, so why does the press look away?

One way to address the madness is for the press to see the country’s gun violence for what it is – a uniquely American epidemic.

Welcome to 1984

It is time for change. To make this change, a political revolution needs to take a place.