Thursday, May 2, 2024

Imports of Genetically Engineered Salmon Blocked Until Labeling Requirements Are Established

The FDA approved the salmon in October without any mandatory labeling. In approving the AquaBounty transgenic salmon, the FDA ignored millions of Americans and more than 40 members of Congress who have expressed vocal opposition.


Trump rally participants chanted about Ilhan Omar: “Send her back! Send her back!” They are shameless so I feel shame for them.

As Congress Prepares for TPP Fight, Another Trade Deal Nears Completion

Sweeping multilateral free trade deals have become a hot button issue in the ongoing US presidential election.

Let’s EVOLVE from the duopoly’s neoliberal swamp

Drumroll, please: Announcing progressive or bust

Police officer remains on duty after beating unarmed man on video

While Internal Affairs reviews the arrest, the tattooed officer remains on active duty.

Sanders calls on democrats to embrace 8-point plan to end police brutality, protect communities

“We have got to act boldly to eradicate systemic racism and police violence. I am calling for sweeping policy reforms to protect people—particularly communities of color—who have suffered violence for far too long.”

VIDEO: Is Oklahoma Set to Execute an Innocent Man? Inside the Case of Richard...

Oklahoma is scheduled to execute Richard Glossip on Wednesday night. But as time is running out, is the state about to kill an innocent man? Democracy Now discusses the case.

Cashing in on racist bail

Cash bail is racist. No wonder the GOP loves it and is relying on expanding it as a cynical election-year ploy.

Major breakthrough on Capitol Hill: Government may make drugs cheaper

Democrats are embracing a way in which the market can be used to better people’s health and reduce inequality.

N.C. shut down a group home last year. The US just gave it a...

Advocates for migrant children have criticized the government for relying on these large new facilities.