Friday, July 26, 2024

Fear Incorporated: Canada’s Anti-Terror Bill and the Emergence of a Deep Police State

The new bill, C-51, could label anyone who disagrees with neo-liberal aims as a “terrorist." With a Conservative majority in Parliament and support from the Liberal Party, it seems the final bill will pass quite easily only to create an emergence of a deep police state.

Former CIA Director Agrees to Plead Guilty to Leaking Classified Material

David Petraeus was responsible for disclosing the identities of covert agents and leaving classified material in unauthorized and unsecured locations. The former CIA Director plead guilty this week to revealing classified information to his former mistress and biographer, Paula Broadwell.

Is This a Scandal—Or a ‘Scandal?’

It seems Hillary Clinton didn't breach security or violate any federal record-keeping statutes—the laws were tightened after she left office. With no actual evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton and her staff, what do Republicans and their media enablers expect to find now?

Kissing the Koch Ring

Corporate spending was bad in previous years, but wait until 2016 as it is set to corrupt the candidates and greatly diminish voter participation. This time around, the Koch machine will spend three times more than last year’s midterm elections.

The Nincompoop Caucus Sets a Record

Lawmakers are doing all they can to eliminate healthcare coverage for people on Obamacare. Republicans have voted more than 56 times to take away health coverage for previously uninsured people. This is absurd.

How a Mid-Sized Tennessee Town Took on Comcast, Revived Its Economy and Did it...

Even if more mergers go through, having a public option for internet, cable and phone service is always better for consumers. Chattanooga, Tennessee showed America just that, by providing municipal broadband internet to residents.

The Federal Reserve Board’s Plan to Kill Jobs

It's time Americans rally against the Fed’s interest rate policies and let them know how they feel about raising interest rates to kill jobs. Join the Center for Popular Democracy grassroots campaign to stop the Fed from its deliberate acts.

Will the Democratic Nominee for 2016 Take on the Moneyed Interests?

While it's evident that the Democratic nominee for President will campaign on reviving the American middle class, it's time the nation has a leader who can take on the moneyed interests responsible for the worst wealth inequality in modern American history.

Tariq Ali: The Time Is Right for a Palace Revolution

The devolution of the political system through corruption has led to “the death of the party system” and the emergence of what Tariq Ali, part of the royalty of the left, called “an extreme center.” “One is doomed if nothing happens in the U.S.”

CIA Evidence from Whistleblower Trial Could Tilt Iran Nuclear Talks

The prosecution in the Jeffrey Sterling case have casted doubt on claims of Iran's developed nuclear weapons program. If the International Atomic Energy Agency determines that U.S. assertions lack credibility, who will Washington have to blame?