Friday, February 7, 2025

France’s 9-11 Moment and a World in Peril

The attack on Charlie Hebdo and France's new-found resolve to wage war on radical Islam puts Europe front and center in the war on terror. Potentially, is this Europe's 9-11?

Exclusive: 'Eco-Terrorist' Freed 10 Years Early After Feds Withhold Evidence on Informant's Role

In his first interview since his release, Eric McDavid, environmental activist who has just been released from prison 10 years early, discusses his release exclusively with Democracy Now! Watch it in its entirety here.

Why Wages Won’t Rise

The key strategy of the nation’s large corporations and financial sector has been to prevent wages from rising. And if you didn't already notice, corporations and Wall Street are calling the shots.

Who Polices the Pay Police?

Corporations have added a new level of “pay police” to oversee the platinum paychecks of top bosses. But even when the board runs this process, the chief’s pay keeps going up, up and away.

Journalist Launches Online Archive to Document Diversity of Rural India

While Sainath is known for his forceful critiques of people in power and the inequality built into contemporary economics and politics, he aims to show the dignity of ordinary people in the face of injustice in "People’s Archive of Rural India."

Idea for Tackling Inequality Number 27,653: Stop Subsidizing It

Washington assumes that inequality is something that happened. By contrast, the more obvious story is that inequality is something that was done through policies that redistributed income upward.

Albuquerque Cops Charged with Murdering Homeless Man

APD’s pattern of using excessive force is a repeated violation of the Fourth Amendment. Are these officers not receiving the proper training to ensure the rights and safety of people with mental illness or in distress?

'Circus of Hypocrisy:' Jeremy Scahill on How World Leaders at Paris March Oppose Press...

An estimated 3.7 million people rallied across France Sunday in response to the Charlie Hebdo shootings and ensuing attacks that left 17 people dead. It was the largest demonstration in French history.

Are Private Schools Better than Public?

Our public school system may be the best in the world. However, poverty, coupled with the fact that the people in charge are ignoring facts and turning instead to the corporate profit-seekers, is debilitating to the system.

What ‘Je Suis Charlie’ Should Mean to Us

Our continuing alliance requires us all to repeat "Je suis Charlie" in the aftermath of the atrocious terror attack on a Parisian satire magazine. It is important to look closely at what we are defending.