Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A necessary voice: Ilhan Omar must not be silenced

Representative Omar has only held office for two months and not only faces attacks from within her own party, but also what amounts to a campaign of incitement launched by the right.

Regime change via sanctions? US uses international finance system to strangle Venezuelan economy

The blackout comes amid a growing political crisis in Venezuela as U.S.-backed opposition groups attempt to topple Maduro’s government.

In a historic vote, Senate passes War Powers Resolution to end support of Saudi-led...

“This is historic. For the first time in 45 years, Congress is one step closer to withdrawing U.S. forces from an unauthorized war.”

The yuge Republican lie about the deficit

It’s not social spending that’s causing the federal deficit to soar. It’s Republican tax cuts, especially on corporations and the wealthy.

The world’s most dangerous divide

If nuclear war comes, it will happen because of a calculation or miscalculation by India or Pakistan.

Bernie slams Trump’s absurd 2020 budget proposal

“This is a budget for the military industrial complex, for corporate CEOs, for Wall Street and for the billionaire class. It is dead on arrival. "

Warren is correct about busting up big tech

In this new Gilded Age, we need to respond to them as forcefully as we did the first time around. Warren’s ideas are a good start.

Just how bad is Trump’s new proposed budget?

"The Trump budget is breathtaking in its degree of cruelty and filled with broken promises."

Trump administration allocates millions of dollars from health programs to increase migrant shelter

"We cannot continue to spend taxpayer dollars on the President’s manufactured crisis at the border, which is government-sanctioned child abuse."

‘Weapons of math destruction’ are lurking in the global economy

Did the world let an economic crisis go to waste? We may soon find out the hard way.