Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Abrams counters Trump with a compelling vision for America

Having a vision, a clear alternative to the prevailing nihilism, is something almost everyone can get behind. Abrams showed how to do that.

Trump’s at war with US intelligence – and (for once) he’s right

By giving America it’s dumbest and cruelest wars, the best and brightest left room for a dumber and crueler leader to end them.

Dominion mistranslated

The “dominionists” are using a dubious translation of the Hebrew word yirdu.

Trying out the wealth tax for size

This wealth tax looks like a very good thing. Repair the infrastructure, wipe out the student debt, and get single-payer healthcare well established. And all just by taxing a bunch of uber-wealthy.

Bernie Sanders’ minimum wage bill would improve the lives of 40 million Americans

The Raise the Wage Act "would eliminate decades of growing wage inequality between the lowest-paid and the typical U.S. worker."

Lost in TrumpWorld

Ostensibly big stories erupt, command universal attention, and then evaporate like the dewfall on a summer morning, their place taken by the next equally big, no less ephemeral story.

What’s next for Venezuela as US & opposition reject negotiations aimed to end crisis...

And in the long term, there is no recognition of what does this mean for the country in terms of its social fabric, its political culture and going forward, if there’s no negotiated agreement on that process.

Three reasons why the super-rich should embrace a 70% tax rate

If they really want to "improve the state of the world," they should be using all their lobbyists and lawyers to make sure their tax money is supporting a cooperative national effort to protect the environment for their great-grandchildren and to remain competitive in the technologies of the future.

Gov. Northam: Don’t resign until Trump does

If Gov. Northam’s exit becomes one more potent lever against continued Trumpery, he achieves both partial atonement and participation in removing a national disgrace.

Public Citizen’s new study debunks myths about Medicare for All

"The people power on this issue continues to intensify as Americans feel the pain of a healthcare system that is focused more on profit than it is on providing healthcare."