Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Year of Trump: sexual assault, Nazis, and a pedophile

2017 is over. But what inexplicable horrors await us in 2018?

Libya, Syria, Ukraine – one script, three stories

The fundamental ploy in Libya, Syria and Ukraine was the same: rile up the population and then stage a coup in the midst of chaos, while claiming to liberate the people.

10 reasons Trump won’t last four years

Here’s why I think Trump won’t have to run for re-election.

HIV/AIDS council fired by Trump

The council was developed under former President Bill Clinton and consisted of a diverse team of experts and activists.

How a small New England state is becoming a trailblazer in democracy

John Marion has successfully spearheaded numerous pieces of democracy reform, including online voter registration, a law strengthening the state’s Ethics Commission and automatic voter registration and risk-limiting post-election audits.

New Year’s update for Trump voters

Here's all the things Trump promised to do, but hasn't.

Peace through strength?

“When it comes to security, when it comes to ISIS, when it comes to the military, every single category... I'm leading, like, by a lot." —Donald J. Trump

10 good things about a TERRIBLE year

As we head into the new year, let’s keep ourselves inspired by the hard work of folks at home and abroad who gave us something to cheer about for 2017.

Florida’s Voting Rights Restoration Initiative could restore rights for a million voters

Hopefully, come November 2018, Florida will put an end to mass disenfranchisement and will restore voting rights to the thousands of citizens who have earned their right to vote.

A year with Trump

A president’s most fundamental legal and moral responsibility is to uphold and protect our system of government. Trump has degraded that system.