Saturday, May 4, 2024

Why use the Ukraine to impeach Trump when you’ve got the emoluments clause (and...

In any event, it’s not too late to add the Hatch Act and Emoluments Clause issues if the Ukrainian case looks weak.

Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez unveil ‘Green New Deal For Public Housing’ bill

“The Green New Deal for Public Housing would transition the entire public housing stock of the United States, as swiftly and seamlessly as possible, into zero-carbon, highly energy-efficient developments that produce on-site renewable energy, expand workforce capacity and family self-sufficiency programs and focus on community development.”

If Trump wants to fight dirty in 2020 here’s how Democrats can take him...

It will be a disgrace to this country’s democracy, a dark stain on the soul of America if this lowest of the low individual is even allowed d to run for reelection.

Bernie introduces tax excessive CEO pay act

“Corporate greed is a disease that has long inflicted this country – income inequality and the pay gap between CEOs and their employees are just two of its symptoms that are harming everyday people.”

A bold plan to strengthen and improve social security is what America needs

In short, this is a well-considered bill that would accomplish good for current and future retirees. Congress should move on it.

Sanders, Lee, and Tlaib lead effort to tax huge CEO-worker pay gaps

The House-Senate companion bill addresses corporate America’s extreme disparities, giving firms an incentive to lift up the bottom and bring down the top of their pay scales.

When an elected government falls in South America, as in Bolivia today, look for...

History shows us that U.S. antipathy towards independent progressive leaders generally results in U.S.-sponsored subversion and military coups.

‘Censorship science, pure and simple:’ Physicians for Social Responsibility opposes EPA rule to undermine...

“The EPA is seeking to turn its back on studies that enable its core mission: to safeguard environmental health and protect American communities from harm."

Experts warn this industry-backed attack on science at EPA would be among ‘most damaging’...

"Let's call this what it is: an excuse to abandon clean air, clean water, and chemical safety rules."

Veteran journalist Bill Moyers says he fears for the nation’s survival

“All th’s needed for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing.”