Saturday, May 18, 2024

President Trump, this way to the egress

Less than six months into his presidency, it's clear that our chief executive is unfit for office.

Ethics chief announces resignation due to Trump’s dubious conduct

Walter Shaub Jr. is not the first member of Trump's administration to resign due to ethics flaws.

Trump’s man with a plan … to suppress the vote nationwide

If Kris Kobach and his Republican allies get their hands on the data and succeed in suppressing the vote, then Trump may well be on his way to a landslide victory in 2020.

Forty-four states refuse to release private voter info to Trump commission

Instead of protecting the privacy of voters or the integrity of fair elections, Trump continues to waste time and resources on a fiction that he has failed to prove time and again.

Is Bernie Sanders the Democrats’ 2020 frontrunner?

Should Bernie Sanders run for president in 2020? And if he does, would you support him?

Free as you can afford to be

GOP leaders want to protect your "freedom" to be poor, powerless, sick, and uninsured.

Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky: How the US became an oligarchy that makes war...

Chris Hedges talks with Noam Chomsky on the state of affairs in America and hope for the future.

VICTORY! Appeals court rule EPA cannot delay Obama-era emissions rule

This is a huge victory for environmentalists, who have been working tirelessly against Scott Pruitt and the EPA to ensure Obama-era environmental regulations aren’t undone.

Why we need to know what Trump says behind closed doors

We need activism: against Trump and the powerful interests he represents, and against a political system that gives too much power to wealthy corporate donors and too little power to the people.

Unheralded national popular vote push to remedy ‘elitist’ Electoral College

You’d think today’s majority, rebuffed twice in 16 years with two wingnut, minority presidents, would rage against the non-democratic, distortion-laden Electoral College. You’d think that hapless, vision-less Democrats would crusade against what put dim Dubya, then crazed, scatter-gun Trump in power.