Friday, May 3, 2024

Climate action never depended on Trump

There are so many ways we can slow and stop the burning of fossil fuels in the United States. But we need to get to work.

Trump administration suppresses CIA torture report

“No senator, chairman or not, has the authority to erase history.”

The Labour Party has regained its principles and offers hope to millions

In this upcoming UK election the differences between the Conservatives and Labour are defined and stark; its importance cannot be overstated.

22 awesome responses to Trump’s announcement on Paris Agreement

"With this reckless rejection of international climate cooperation, the administration took a giant step toward turning our country into a rogue nation."

Sen. Elizabeth Warren vows to hold Education Secretary accountable

“It’s Betsy Devos’s job to put students – not predatory colleges and the student loan industry – first.”

Dakota Access Pipeline begins service the same day Trump announces withdrawal from Paris agreement

This decision is not the first – nor will it likely be the last – from the Trump administration to move the United States backwards in climate action.

Kabul bomb blast kills at least 90 people. We need to know their names

We may never know who is to blame, nor, sadly, are we likely to learn the names and the life stories of the victims.

BREAKING: Wisconsin may bring the Koch brothers one state closer to rewriting the constitution

Legislators are debating whether to call for a constitutional convention, a prize of corporate interest groups.

The Republican Party’s sickness of the soul

There is, indeed, a “poverty of spirit” at work here.

Trump’s rollback of civil rights

Trump has made clear his priorities: Benefit the most comfortable Americans and stick it to the most vulnerable.