Thursday, May 2, 2024

Trump’s con exposes ‘change-at-any-price’ delusions

“Change” is neither easy nor free and that makes Trumpism, without vetted programs, no more than empty rhetoric. Who but the Trumpster makes 282 unrealistic campaign pledges?

Waiting for the barbarians

There will be rebels. They will live in the shadows. The state will have little tolerance of them. They will be our hope.

Trump abandons campaign promise to penalize outsourcing, offers tax breaks instead

Donald Trump is offering sweet incentives to stop Carrier from outsourcing jobs. Bernie Sanders is promising strict penalties.

Trump’s seven techniques to control the media

Historically, these seven techniques have been used by demagogues to erode the freedom and independence of the press.

Trump is ignoring daily intelligence briefings, relying on ‘a number of sources’ instead

His spokeswoman thinks he is getting enough information through phone calls with world leaders.

Libeled by the Washington Post in a ‘false news’ McCarthyite attack on alternative media

Is the Pentagon behind this massive hit on independent journalism?

A government that has plunged this country into a state of regression

It is entirely possible that the process has now gone too far and cannot be reversed.

Police under investigation after fatally shooting unarmed teen in back

According to Raye’s mother, Karonisha Ramsey, her son had called her a few hours before his death to tell her that he would be home for Thanksgiving dinner.

How important is NASA’s Earth science program that Trump wants to abolish?

Most people know NASA for its moon shots and participation in the International Space Station; many don’t realize that NASA also supports its space mission through its Earth Science program.

Flynn’s facts: Get to know Trump’s pick for national security advisor

An uncharitable person might conclude that Flynn is seeking revenge against enemies in the previous Administration.