Tuesday, May 14, 2024

4 Reasons Ted Cruz is Even More Dangerous than Donald Trump

Both men would be disasters for America, but Ted Cruz would be the larger disaster.

Here’s How Trump Will Go Down In Flames In the General Election

“As the election process evolves Trump’s chances of winning the presidency will be virtually destroyed because of how he has completely alienated the vast majority of women, Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians and the mass of Americans.”

No Reforming Democrats: Leftist Dogma or Scientific Fact?

“For the sake of our nation’s common good—mostly likely, for the sake of saving human civilization from encroaching climate destruction—I think we must expose the hypothesis that Democrats are beyond reform to testing by purely rational experiment.”

It Took Jeb $150 Million, 250 Days and 3 States to Figure Out Republicans...

Former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush has just dropped out of running for president.

Hillary Clinton Narrowly Wins in Nevada After a Very Confusing Caucus

Hillary Clinton may have been declared the official winner of the Nevada caucus, but the Sanders campaign declares the final results extremely positive.

Bernie Challenges Hillary to Release Her Secret Wall Street Speeches

Hillary Clinton is being hard-pressed to release the transcripts of multiple speeches she was paid to give to big banks like Goldman Sachs. What is she so afraid of?

Hit Piece on Sanders Proposals Relies on Pro-Clinton Economists Mislabeled as ‘Leftists’

NY Times runs hit piece on Sanders and his Medicare-for-all health plan, citing four supposedly independent "left-leaning" economists, all of whom actually worked for the Clinton and/or Obama administrations, are not "left-leaning" and who are actually Clinton backers.

‘Black Sludge’ Pours Out Of Texas Town’s Faucets Days After FBI Arrests Nearly Every...

The problem is summed up in just a few words: "There's not really anyone in charge."

George W. Bush Hypocritically Attacks Donald Trump (Video)

"Anyone who lived through the Bush years can only fall down laughing at the hypocrisy and impudence of this kind of talk coming from that man."

Voices From the Front Lines of the Flint Water Crisis

Two parallel investigations, state and federal, are underway in an attempt to determine if any crimes have been committed.