Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Trump’s first test on taxes

Making America great doesn’t mean giving booster rockets to multi-generational dynasties of wealth. We need one tax system that’s fair to everyone.

Signs of revolution in a not-yet-great America

Since the president sees himself foremost as a negotiator, perhaps it’s time for a negotiated revolution. Not to break us apart, but to bring us together.

MAGA Trumpism comes down to violence, driving invective, intimidation, insurrection, and invasions

Considering the Inciter-in-chief’s love of violence, who can predict whether winning or losing produces greater mayhem.

Arizona’s Secretary of State race pits ‘the guy who beat the cyber ninjas’ against...

An interview with Adrian Fontes, who modernized Phoenix’s election system and helped hundreds of thousands of new voters during 2020’s pandemic and presidential election.

Clinton Should Ask Obama To Withdraw The TPP

Candidate Clinton has an opportunity to address her TPP credibility problem by asking Obama to withdraw TPP from consideration by Congress.

Warren skewers Mnuchin for doublespeak on breaking up banks

What does it mean to be in favor of 21st century Glass-Steagall if it doesn’t mean breaking apart banks?

What GOP New Yorkers Just Voted For: Torture, Syria Intervention and the Murder of...

Well, someone doesn’t know what he is doing.

After Trump elected, nearly 200 nations proclaim “urgent duty” to implement Paris Climate accord

This comes just over a week after the election of Donald Trump, who has vowed to pull the United states out of the Paris Agreement and has called climate change a Chinese-created hoax.

Waging class war in comfort

Do the corporate chiefs now parading into the new Trump administration see the United States as just another enterprise – to fleece?

“Don’t Run Joe” campaign will oppose renomination of Biden

“A president is not his party’s king, and he has no automatic right to renomination. Joe Biden should not seek it. If he does, he will have a fight on his hands.”