Thursday, May 23, 2024

How Democrats clean up the messes left by Republicans

Time and again, it’s the Republicans who have created economic messes that Democrats have to clean up.

Extreme life

Or World War III (IV and V), climate-style.

The next crash

Trump and his Republican enablers are now reversing regulations put in place to stop Wall Street’s excessively risky lending. That imbalance is back.

Hijacking the impeachment debate—for climate’s sake

Donald Trump has done many wrong things, both illegal and legal but grievously harmful, that could have been used long ago to impeach him—and by far the most dangerous of these is his aggressive worsening of the climate emergency.

Sanders alone on debate stage to say candidate with the most votes should get...

“Out of all the candidates, Bernie is the only one to advocate for the democratic will of the people.”

Prospects for a republic beset with disunity 

A republic needs endless work/ Or insurgent forces go berserk.

Supreme Court Overturns Restrictive Texas Abortion Law

What does the new decision mean for other states with TRAP laws?

Why President Hillary Clinton Will Need Bernie’s “Political Revolution” to Get Anything Done

The pragmatist in her must know that the only way her ideas will make it in real life is if the public is organized and mobilized behind them.

Russiagate: Democrats’ giant middle finger to climate justice

“Russiagate is such a dangerous, deeply entrenched, and relentlessly promoted narrative that only a broad coalition movement of justifiably outraged activists can defeat it.”

Donald Trump Blamed a Microphone for His Sexual Assault Brag. It’s Not the First...

“The microphones, I mean to be honest, should, you know, should never have been on.”