Sunday, June 16, 2024

What is the ‘Trump Fix’?

Far from “draining” the Washington swamp, Trump is turning it into an exclusive jacuzzi for the rich.

A new chapter in Wisconsin politics: Ending gerrymandering

The gerrymandered districts had long been a point of contention, with numerous legal experts deeming Wisconsin one of the most gerrymandered states in the nation.

The world according to Trump

“Trump administration’s foolish and self-defeating decision to abdicate the United States’ global influence — something that has taken more than 70 years to build.”

Bernie urges Treasury Secretary to clarify PPP loan forgiveness

"We encourage Treasury and the SBA to act now to avoid more confusion for small business owners and lenders."

‘History will not judge this kindly’: DNC Platform Committee votes down Medicare for All...

"The fact that our nation is the only advanced industrial country without universal healthcare cannot be blamed on Republican obstruction alone. It was also caused by Democratic leaders who've spent decades catering to corporate interests."

Uncle Sam wants… your social security check

A Texas Republican, who's ready to retire with a nice pension, wants to cut Social Security benefits for everyone else by up to 69 percent.

Trump fiddles while America burns and the world turns away

It’s up to all of us to do what we can to end this Dark Age. And to vote like America’s life depends on it. Because it does.

History shows federal agents don’t stop civil unrest

Research on public security in countries that use this tactic finds militarized federal interventions can have unintended—and often negative—consequences.

A new rationalization for riches

Activists today are exploring encouraging pathways to a New Economy that sustains both our planet and greater equality.

Correcting the record: What is really happening in Nicaragua?

Nicaragua is a class war turned upside down. The coup is failing, the truth is coming out, and should not be forgotten.