Wednesday, May 1, 2024

76% Want Four-Person Debates, Why are Establishment Elites Preventing It

We Are Calling for People to Occupy the Debates.

Find the adults and get them in the room

If democracy isn’t participatory it isn’t decent democracy.

New Jersey becomes first state to ban the use of wild animals in traveling...

"Today, I am proud to sign a law that will ensure that New Jersey will not allow wild and exotic animals to be exploited and cruelly treated within our state."

In Nevada County, a harbinger of the chaos that election deniers will wreak

A hand count has been halted. Most voters won’t use computers to vote.

Explosive whistleblower complaint by ousted HHS official says he was pressured to give contract...

The complaint calls for a reversal of Bright's reassignment as well as a full investigation into his charges of cronyism at the department.

In or out of power, with no positive agenda in sight, today’s rightwing flunks...

Still undetermined: the degree to which this Cult Leader will sabotage his own hijacked party’s chances in the mid-term.

Toxic chemicals in food packaging weaken our immune system response to COVID-19—when will Congress...

A new federal bill would advance public and environmental health by banning toxic chemicals from food packaging.

More suicidal GOP gaffes as McConnell scolds corporations: Forget fair elections but keep paying...

What if refusing to challenge the most onerous election obstacles hurts corporate bottom lines, the ultimate wickedness?

Military spending’s out of control while slashing it could easily fund Medicare for All

Moment of truth on military spending in the NY Times.