Thursday, May 16, 2024

The ironworker running to unseat Paul Ryan wants single-payer health care, $15 minimum wage

Randy Bryce on his plans for winning Paul Ryan's seat, his viral first campaign video, and all the many articles casting him as a character in a Bruce Springsteen song.

VICTORY: Ireland bans fracking

Ireland joins France, Germany and Bulgaria in banning fracking onshore.

EPA chief met with Dow Chemical CEO before deciding not to ban toxic pesticide

This is just the latest in a long list of examples of the Trump administration working with corporate polluters before reversing public safeguards

Amazon buys out Whole Foods Market

The Brave New Future of Amazon's electronic, robotic Whole Foods Market tells us we're living in the corporatized version of "1984."

America needs service workers – and they need health care

Universal health care costs money. Going without costs more.

It’s time for Medicare for all

Democrats would be wise to seize the moment.

Who is watching out for the EPA?

The agency will shed at least 1,200 jobs by September.

Would a Berniecrat have won Ossoff’s Georgia race?

Democrats must turn sharply left on both economic and social issues if they are to have a chance of regaining Congress in the future. 

America at war since 9/11

Reality or reality TV?

Court: Bush administration officials can’t be held liable for post-9/11 mass roundup of Muslims

There doesn’t appear to be a way to hold high-level officials accountable for these types of actions.