Monday, June 17, 2024

After the Keystone XL approval, here’s what’s next for the climate movement

The battle is far from over—and has already transformed the way environmental campaigns are waged.

US hawks call for action against Iran following attack on troops in Jordan

Amidst escalating tensions, US lawmakers call for a strong response to Iran after a drone attack on American troops in Jordan intensifies calls for action.

The real reason Trump wants to reopen the economy

Internal polls show him losing in November unless the economy comes roaring back.

Cigna drops EpiPen as CVS sells less expensive generic

“The Democratic Party has got to stand up to the greed of the pharmaceutical industry.”

A ‘Bolt’ (ton) from the past

With that nasty smirk on his face, Bolton actually publically has come out for the pre-emptive attacking of both Iran and North Korea... going on years now.

Donald Trump against the world

The birth of a new nationalist world order

Republicans move to sell off 3.3 million acres of public land

A bill introduced by Rep. Jason Chaffetz last week proposes to sell 3.3 million acres of federal land in 10 different states.

Private companies get rich off of Trump administration’s controversial policy that separates migrant children...

A recent Yahoo News report revealed that through federal government contracts private companies are receiving millions of dollars to provide housing and additional services to migrant children.

After mega-lies by Trump adviser Stephen Miller, it’s time to rev up the reality-based...

We have seen these unimaginative scenarios so many times.