Saturday, June 15, 2024

How Do You Make Change Happen? Show Up

Let's make 2016 the year of reintroducing ourselves and our expectations to policymakers.

America has already fired Trump

They make him irrelevant. Politics happens around him, despite him. He’s not literally gone, but he might as well be.

Protest wave sweeps the nation: Illinois streets and Capitol Hill erupt in demands for...

Activists in Illinois and Washington D.C. stand in defiance, calling for an end to the siege on Gaza and urging U.S. officials to back a ceasefire.

Leaked document shows Trump administration planned to traumatize migrant children

The Trump administration intended to "traumatize children and intentionally create a humanitarian crisis at the border."

The McCabe firing and the Ghost of Joe McCarthy: One more step toward the...

America will triumph over Trump. Beatitude or platitude?

Why the left must reject and elect Biden at the same time

Like it or not, the imperative of defeating Trump is directly in front of us.

Pentagon’s AI dilemma and the call to ban ‘killer robots’

This collective of advocacy organizations has issued a clarion call for ethical clarity, urging Pentagon officials to unequivocally state their stance against the development and deployment of autonomous weapons systems.

The man who would be president: Mike Pence, corporate theocrat

Whether Pence has truly served God is a subjective matter, but his massive service to money — big money — is incontrovertible.

Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez unveil ‘Green New Deal For Public Housing’ bill

“The Green New Deal for Public Housing would transition the entire public housing stock of the United States, as swiftly and seamlessly as possible, into zero-carbon, highly energy-efficient developments that produce on-site renewable energy, expand workforce capacity and family self-sufficiency programs and focus on community development.”

Getting Beyond the ‘Buffett Rule’

In 1944, the year billionaire investor Warren Buffett first paid income tax, Americans ‘soaked the rich’ — and benefited mightily from the soaking.