Sunday, April 28, 2024

Why Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg are so adamant about the imperative of defeating...

The potential for democracy in the United States will largely hinge on whether Trump gains re-election.

Why the election represented an unprecedented exercise in democracy

Besides trusted leaders, what Americans need is greater solidarity...

Architect of federal fracking loophole may head Trump environmental council

The push for climate change’s non-inclusion in NEPA appraisals “puts our country, our communities, and our people at great risk.”

The US need not inevitably descend into violent chaos if and when disaster strikes

It’s not too late to begin building a new politics designed to allow us as a people to respond to these crises in a constructive way.

Donald Trump: Invasive species

Can one determined and willfully ignorant man both stem the green tide and push the world over the brink into ecocide?

Doubling Down on a Failed Strategy

Expanding the base infrastructure in the Greater Middle East will only perpetuate a militarized foreign policy premised on assumptions about the efficacy of war that should have been discredited long ago.

As we heal and move forward, watch out for aftershocks

The Trump presidency may finally be over, but the damage it did will persist and echo—even as President Biden takes rapid action to repair some of his predecessor’s environmental damage.

The Whoredom of the Left

“Third World women are used in the developed world for domestic labor, the care of the old and the undisciplined sexuality of the men.” An expression of global capitalism, has the world entered “the industrialization of prostitution?”

The Democratic Caucus in Iowa Is So Close That Precincts Are Resorting to a...

One of the many anti-democratic oddities of the Iowa caucuses.

Texas Jabberwockery – Cruz Roasted After Fleeing Blizzard

Even worse than backing Trumpster – Glaring “dereliction of duty...”