Saturday, May 18, 2024

How IOGCC Spawned the Lawsuit That Just Overturned BLM Fracking Regulations on Public Lands

The Obama Administration has not indicated whether it intends to appeal the ruling.

Mayor Sentenced to 5 Years in Federal Prison

Convicted in April for obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice, Tanaka was sentenced Monday to five years in federal prison, a $7,500 fine, and two years of supervised release following his prison term.

Ukraine in perspective

A historical feast of death and destruction from the Peloponnesian Wars to late tomorrow night.

Cuomo wants to privatize Penn Station; that’s a bad Republican idea

It would be tragic if a “summer of hell” for New York commuters led to a lifetime of servitude to corporate interests.

Donald Trump Suggests ‘Second Amendment’ Could Stop Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump told supporters ‘the Second Amendment people’ could take action against Clinton if she were to win the 2016 Presidential Race.

Rising profits, Rising injuries: the safety crisis at Koch Industries’ Georgia-Pacific

In March of 2014, Jim Hannan joined a group of executives at Georgia-Pacific to discuss a burgeoning crisis. Hannan...

France upstages Trump at G7 by inviting Iran to salvage nuclear deal

Trump breached the Iran deal in 2017, slapped severe sanctions on Iran and then went around the world strong-arming countries not to buy Iran’s petroleum.

President Trump, this way to the egress

Less than six months into his presidency, it's clear that our chief executive is unfit for office.

Trump team, ALEC, Koch Industries debate gerrymandering the US Senate in Denver

Right-wing extremists want to roll back the clock to enable Republican state houses and Republican governors to hijack at least 10 U.S. Senate Seats held by Democrats.

Ukraine scandal shows the squad was right about impeaching Trump, & they’re telling the...

"At this point, the bigger national scandal isn't the president's lawbreaking behavior - it is the Democratic Party's refusal to impeach him for it."