Sunday, May 5, 2024

Bad Hombre

Michelle, you get four years off for great behavior but we want to see you run in 2020. No one could heal this nation better.

If Trump Had Been at Gettysburg in 1863

On Saturday, Donald Trump made a speech in Gettysburg that was nothing like President Abraham Lincoln's revered one. Michael Winship imagines the speech Trump might have delivered in Lincoln's day.

Why Trump’s Racism and Misogyny Represent the Global 1%

Trump isn't the only one. Global financial power is intrinsically misogynistic and racist.

Park Ranger Murdered While Protecting Critically Endangered Gorillas

Jacques is the second ranger to be killed in the park in the last six months.

Mega AT&T Merger Would put Clinton’s Trust Busting Promises to the Test

She’s already laid out an aggressive antitrust agenda. Would she unleash it on AT&T?

Time To Stop The Next War Now

The country must show it is ready to oppose the next war and the Armageddon that it threatens.

How Power Works

When the state decides to isolate, discredit and crush you it has innumerable ways to do so.

Small Business Owners Take to the Letters Page to Take On Trump

Small business owners are speaking out against Donald Trump.

Progressives’ Case Against Hillary Clinton

The Clintons are right out of “House of Cards” - the Netflix series. The corporate media is in cahoots with her for obvious reasons – she represents corporatocracy, warmongering and globalism.