Friday, May 24, 2024

New Leaked Documents Reveal DNC’s Plot to Destroy Bernie Sanders’ Campaign

From creating talking points for the Clinton campaign, to helping create attack strategies against Sanders' campaign, new emails show the DNC's extreme bias from the very beginning.

Cornel West and Jill Stein’s Campaign Against Clinton and Trump

Between these two progressives, support for Clinton's identity politics could seriously waver as they mount a more effective progressive attack against her corrupt influence.

What’s on Display in Cleveland? The Republican Id

The triumph of Trump has demonstrated the cost of the devil’s bargain that party elites — and the media — have accepted over the years.

Clinton Must Go Bold – and Go Left – For VP

Hillary Clinton needs to show voters that she can make bold choices. She must embrace the populist moment and the electorate’s yearning for change if she is to fend off Trump’s insurgent challenge.

GOP Holds Convention In Ground Zero For Voting Rights, As Party Calls For More...

The controversial voting restrictions could decide this November's election.

Republicans Want To “Make America Work Again”? That Would Be Real Change

Republicans, if you want to really 'Make America Work Again': Make U.S. corporations pay the $700 billion they owe in taxes on their $2.4 trillion in profits stashed offshore.

The Times they are a Changing: Brexit, Trump and Lots of Anger

The impulse for change is sweeping through our world and people everywhere are responding; do what they will the politicians and ruling elite will be unable to counter the evolutionary forces.

Terror, Tennis Balls and Tamir Rice

Fatal inequality will continue to terrorize this nation until we genuinely commit to confronting racism and gun violence.

Whatcha Gonna Do About Me?

“What’s it going to take for folks to get off their duffs and onto the street corners? What I am suggesting is not revolution, rather evolution.”

Why Bernie Needs To Take Satan’s Advice & Create An Un-Christian Coalition

In this week’s Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Election Crimes Bulletin, Dennis J. Bernstein and Greg Palast explain how Bernie can take a tip from Satan’s playbook and seize this moment to create one hell of a powerful a movement!