Sunday, June 16, 2024

Revolving Doors Rule in Finance and War

An arms race is being created that makes money for some but creates bad outcomes for all.

Senate hearing calls out the influence of dark money in blocking climate action

Until the U.S. political system changes and limits the amount of money, and its corresponding power, in politics, the deck will remain stacked in favor of the fossil fuel industry when it comes to Congressional action on climate.

White House says GOP bill would force ‘one of the biggest Medicare benefit cuts’...

"House Republicans are trying to slash lifelines for middle-class families on behalf of rich special interests," said a White House spokesperson.

Tax cuts for the rich help the rich, not you

Big money will pull out all the stops to sell you a tax plan that exclusively benefits the wealthy. Don’t buy it.

The fight for single payer has transformed the health care debate. Last night was...

During CNN’s Monday night debate about the Affordable Care Act, it became clear that progressives have set the terms of discussion.

How to beat Trump

As the primary season goes on, and if there is no clear winner emerging, the voters are going to want to see the Democrats emerge as an organized group, and not a warring faction.

Flynn’s facts: Get to know Trump’s pick for national security advisor

An uncharitable person might conclude that Flynn is seeking revenge against enemies in the previous Administration.

7 not-so-subtle messages Congress is sending with its tax plans

The two tax bills define what’s important to a society. Or more to the point, who’s not important.

It’s time to change more than Trump

We have real work to do.

Trump will not use Defense Production Act to order manufacturing of vital medical equipment

With prices rising, supplies lacking, and healthcare officials working endlessly, the importance of vital medical equipment should not be negotiable.