Thursday, May 2, 2024

US to Russia: Do as we say, not as we do

Aiding and abetting a potentially catastrophic—and I do mean catastrophic—confrontation between the world’s two nuclear superpowers are lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

Why Bernie Sanders is pushing for more employee-owners in the workforce

In times when Washington is unlikely to agree on much, employee ownership offers a bipartisan approach toward building a stronger and more just economy.

Anti-racist historian: Attacks on Rep. Omar rooted in belief “America is for white people”

"This is not about what’s in somebody’s heart, what’s in somebody’s bones, what’s in someone’s organs. This is about what’s in their words and their actions."

Nuclear disarmament should be a top 2020 campaign issue but is being ignored

With none of the major presidential candidates raising this kind of nuclear disarmament program, it is up to the US peace movement and Green Party candidates up and down the ticket to inject these demands into the 2020 elections.

The secret to the GOP’s assault on your rights

This is not a battle of left vs. right. It is a battle between democracy and autocracy.

Whether Sauds, in Effect, Own the U.S. Government

“A dollar paid by a member of the Saudi royal family (or any other foreigner) smells just as sweet to a U.S. Government official as does a dollar paid by an American, especially in the current era of untraceable offshore accounts.”

Georgia is Using an Error-Riddled Database to Reject Thousands of Voter Registrations

Georgia has seen its fair share of voting issues, but it’s far from the only state that does.

“Here’s the deal”: Joe Biden’s very bad month

The seeming media consensus going into the third Democratic debate held by ABC news in Houston on September 12th, was that the...

Self-made minefields doom GOP scams – what doesn’t boomerang?

Scanning ahead, what major talking points or legislative agendas won’t end badly for Republicans, whether passed or not? Doubling-down, the reflexive GOP way, now invites double-jeopardy, especially as the Trump/Rightwing keeps marching into its own self-made political mine field.

Bad Hombre

Michelle, you get four years off for great behavior but we want to see you run in 2020. No one could heal this nation better.