Monday, June 17, 2024

Georgia Governor Vetoes Anti-LGBT Bill

Prominent and religious conservatives are extremely angry over the veto, and vow to revive it next year.

Review of “The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the...

How rational we humans really are, well, that’s an open question. But nowhere is such faith in education, dialogue, and people more needed than Israel/Palestine.

How to Become Terror-Torn Europe – and How Not To

If Trump or Cruz ever enacts the kind of repressive policy they now advocate, then eventually we will become much more like Europe in its ethnic and religious polarization.

How The National Review Pushed A Lie Into The Supreme Court Contraception Case

Prior to oral arguments, the National Review falsely alleged that a leading expert on religious liberty law had "retracted" his support for the government's position. This falsehood was then apparently referred to during oral arguments.

Entering Uncharted Territory in Washington

As the latest heat records indicate, we are, for the first time, on a planet in decline. And if that isn’t uncharted territory, what is?

Republicans Want Guns In Schools But Not At Their National Convention

"The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," the expression goes.

Bernie Sanders Sweeps Saturday Contests

Senator Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton in all three Democratic presidential contests yesterday!

Former DNC Vice Chairwoman Supports Bernie Sanders’ Foreign Policy in Evocative New Ad

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who resigned as a DNC chairwomen in order to support Bernie, also supports his foreign policy and stance on war and has said so in a recent ad.

Police Find and Detonate Explosive Device at Trump Supporter’s Home After He Threatened Muslims

A man from California, who threatened to kill Muslims, will be spending 90 days in jail after being caught in possession of an explosive device.

Trump: The Political Albatross Wrapped Around The GOP’s Neck

Who will prevail and come out on top, the GOP or Trump? Stay tuned because we are going to see an election like no other that has taken place in modern American history.