Friday, May 3, 2024

Could a European Union boycott of Putin’s Oil, with Qatari and UAE help, crash...

Russia could end up paying an extremely high economic price, of a full-blown Great Depression, for its aggressive war on Ukraine.

Engaging North Korea successfully on human rights

Despite a generally abysmal human rights record, North Korea has shown improvement in one specific area: disability rights.

California passes Right-to-Repair Act advancing customer rights to repair various products

California, home of Big Tech, joined Minnesota and New York, and became the third state to pass a Right-to-Repair law covering various electronics and appliances.

More Americans than ever agree: climate change is a crisis and Trump needs to...

Nearly 80% of poll respondents stated that "yes, human activity is causing the climate to change."

Why Was 2014 Hottest Year on Record? The Humans Did It

The most important thing President Obama did for the environment was not to block Keystone XL, but to throw billions in research and development money at solar panel research for a sweltering humankind.

Time to overcome election fears and organize for our political future

“If your politicians are not serving you, get rid of them. And if you don’t have anyone to vote for, run.”

When do the rules apply?

The Biden administration is bending rules to drop bombs but not raise wages. That’s a mistake.

Watch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fire back on House floor after Rep. Yoho calls her an...

“My mother got to see Mr. Yoho’s disrespect on the floor of this House towards me on television and I am here because I have to show my parents that I am their daughter and that they did not raise me to accept abuse from men.”

Dead Prosecutor Drafted Arrest Warrant for Argentine President

President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is being accused of covering up Iran’s involvement in the 1994 terrorist attack in Buenos Aires. While she is among other politicians being accused, no one has been convicted.

U.S. in the Middle East: Where You Don’t Belong You Must Not Stay

The U.S. should not be in the Middle East, but the U.S. government will not be pulling out troops when there is still oil and natural gas there. At some point in time, other countries will get so tired of this endless war they will step in to put an end to it.