Friday, July 26, 2024

The US Corporate Media are Essentially Propaganda Organs of the US Government

Can the US corporate media, particularly when it comes to foreign affairs, but also when it comes to matters like intelligence and domestic spying, be trusted to present the truth?

Donald Trump Supports Registry, Special Identification for Muslim Americans

Donald Trump expressed this week that he would support forcing American Muslims to carry special identification showing their faith. The presidential candidate also supports forcing Muslim Americans to be registered in a database.

A Post-Paris “Clash of Civilizations”?

All of this is like manna from heaven for the Islamic State, the more “pitiless” the better. Their dream is to live in a black-and-white world of utter religious and political clarity (and calamity), while engaging in what American pundits like to term a “clash of civilizations.”

Even War Has Rules

Hospital attacks in Yemen and Kunduz have not been mentioned in any of the U.S. presidential debates or forums so far. We need a full investigation of these crimes, to hold those responsible accountable.

Stop Shopping, Start Living

REI is doing its part to preserve the spirit of Thanksgiving. Let's follow their lead - stop shopping and start living.

Whether Dealing With Jewish Refugees in ’30s or Syrians Today, U.S. Falls Short of...

Steve Jobs’s father was an immigrant from Syria. We need more like him, and we need fewer children washing up dead on beaches. If we’re going to bomb Syria, we need to take care of the displaced.

Let’s Get on Board With High-Speed Rail

High-speed rail offers such huge benefits for us that we need to push it to the center of our policy demands, especially with a national election cycle already on us.

Identified Paris Attackers Were Not Refugees

Contrary to previous reports, all identified terrorists involved in the Paris attacks last week were European nationals. Does this affect the outlook on Syrian refugees resettling in foreign countries?

Bernie Sanders Opposes Nomination of FDA Chairman With Ties to Big Pharma

Dr. Califf neglected to answer Bernie Sanders’ questions directly, choosing to evasively respond with pipe dreams involving ideal situations instead of tackling the nation’s current dilemmas.

The Perils of Circus Politics

No opinion leader any longer commands enough broad-based respect to influence a majority of the public. Circus politics may be fun to watch, but it’s profoundly dangerous for America and the world.