Thursday, May 2, 2024

It’s 1984 in Trumplandia

Thanks to our bellicose commander in chief, Orwell's 70-year-old classic is a bestseller again.

Crimes of the Trump era (a preview)

The 25/8 news cycle is already rolling, but the looting of America hasn’t really begun.

Trump’s war on the courts, the press, and the states

Trump doesn’t want any resistance. He wants total control.

In Trump’s world where money talks, Saudi Arabia gets a free pass

In Trump’s world where money talks, poor refugees are banned from entering the United States while Saudi princes who cling to power by torturing and beheading dissidents get safe passage to their luxury digs in Manhattan’s Trump Towers.

Make America ungovernable

Now is the time to shut down the systems of power. Now is the time to resist.

‘Populist’ Trump punks his fans

In Trump's economy, there will be winners and – as he would say – losers. Can you guess which the bankers will be?

Frederick Douglass: Power concedes nothing without a demand

Despite presidential misconceptions, Frederick Douglass is dead. But he continues to inspire people around the world.

A marriage made in hell: Trump, Bannon and “the Muslim ban”

Trump and his inner circle seem intent on using the cudgel of the executive to diminish the clout of the judiciary and the Congress.

The Left needs to be a movement, not a bunch of lobbyists

We need to focus on big demands and big issues that benefit all but the ruling elites and that will fundamentally change the way the country operates.

Donald Trump’s mission creep just took a giant leap forward

In just a few days, the new president has upended the rules of democracy with a clumsy, heavy-handedness worse than we imagined.