The Santa Ana by Joan Didion
Written by Joan Didion, The Santa Ana ("Los Angeles Notebook"/Slouching Towards Bethlehem) was published in The Saturday Evening Post in 1965.
Settler colonialism: ‘It Ends With Us’ in Palestine and Israel
This article refers to both these incidents to analyze the current Palestine-Israel catastrophe.
Writing as Resistance
Doomed writers buried their accounts of the Warsaw ghetto in the hope that they could teach whoever unearthed the documents about good, evil, indifference and the importance of the truth as an act of resistance. They have left us a trove of papers on how to construct a life of meaning.
MAGA the destroyer in full demolition mode, misreading ‘success’ not as bridges built but...
Trump is now like the lone gunslinger, thinking his aim perfect enough to win by emptying six-guns in the first two minutes.
Biden’s legacy is written in blood
Behind all the devastation are all the people in power that make all of this tragedy and grief possible in the first place.
Why we evolved to dream at night and what dreams mean
We forget most of our dreams. So why do we have them?
White House announces 53rd state!
"Mr. President, are there any plans for a 53rd state now that stars for Canada and Gaza have been officially added to the flag?"
The worse the chaos that results, the sooner the eventual revulsion and turnaround
A too gullible population let itself be bamboozled.
Will MAGA Trumpism induce dire structural changes – or dead-end as a trashy, corrupt flash...
What if the elected felon managed to kick off two or three generations of Trump-style insurrections? So much for the sacred rule of law, honest elections, justice by fair trials, and noble traditions of civil rights.
A Grim Scenario: If America Ends Up With a Republican President and a GOP-Controlled...
When we decide whether to vote or not, and for whom we will cast that ballot, we better think very deeply about the America in which we want to live going into the future.