Friday, April 26, 2024

The vexing Biden-Trump rematch could purge an era of broken, bipartisan dynamics—or not

That a shameless, dimwit outlaw like Trump can humiliate both state and federal justice confirms its own devastating “conviction" as failed legal systems.

Missouri Republican Attorney General Bailey sues Media Matters using consumer law to censor the...

An analysis of Mo. Attorney General Andrew Bailey's bogus allegations against Media Matters.

Writing as Resistance

Doomed writers buried their accounts of the Warsaw ghetto in the hope that they could teach whoever unearthed the documents about good, evil, indifference and the importance of the truth as an act of resistance. They have left us a trove of papers on how to construct a life of meaning.

Doesn’t the forever Scoundrel-in-chief expose Trumpism as rank, deviant criminality?

The main “freedom” sought by this scam freedom fighter (and lackeys) is to commit more crimes.

A brief history of kill lists, from Langley to Lavender

Israel's use of its Lavender system is just the latest case of the U.S. and its allies' ever-increasing use of information technology to automate mass murder.

Will the center hold as elections descend to a war between gut grievances vs....

While Trumpian individualism now equates with rank criminality, social activism fosters greater collective prosperity, opportunities and growth for all.

Dead on arrival

Israel’s blowback genocide.

Frederick Douglass: Power concedes nothing without a demand

Despite presidential misconceptions, Frederick Douglass is dead. But he continues to inspire people around the world.

Round table on current US foreign policy: Militarism unhinged

How would you assess the most important aspects of current U.S. foreign policy?

Is it inflation? Or is it ‘greedflation?’

Inflation is dropping, but prices aren’t coming down. So how can this be?