Friday, July 26, 2024

My ultimate history crash course

To understand the present, study the past. 

Inside China-focused Congressional hearings, panic, paranoia, and hypocrisy reign

China is not a threat because it’s threatening our security—China is a threat because it’s successful.

“They were so close”: Israel kills medics trying to save dying 6-year-old Hind Rajab

"It is extremely important. The life and the story of Hind should not be end in this way."

How a 20th-century family planning agenda fueled the climate crisis

Broken child welfare policies have undermined political systems and destroyed the planetary ecosystem.

Confronting NATO’s war summit in Washington

Can NATO ever be the force for peace that it claims and conclude that its refusal to learn from the deadly results of its own actions only makes it increasingly dangerous?

More than ever, Trump’s most effective campaign ally is Joe Biden

For progressives, the task should be clear: Join with other political forces to insist that Biden voluntarily become a one-term president.

Eight drivers that springboard Trump’s nose-dive into humiliated loser

What makes even a lousy career criminal look bad? To be proved a blundering, hypocritical boob.

The good, the bad, and the yucky – how far can the circus lurch...

Vs. MAGA whiners, Olympic winners should be the iconic role models – testifying to the glories of hard work, good faith and respect for majority rules.

Little Free Library’s not-so-little commitment to getting the word out

These book-sharing boxes promote literacy and strengthen communities.