Sunday, May 5, 2024

Get ready for an all-out assault on social security by Washington in 2017

It is a critical time for this organizing to begin because the attack on Social Security promises to be rapid and brutal.

Merry Christmas: Right-wingers, the Red Pope and Jesus

Rationality doesn't seem to be included in the liturgy of right-wingers' political church.

No more holiday gifts for repressive regimes

The U.S. is selling weapons to a country that's killing a child every 10 minutes. That has to stop.

My wishes for Obama’s parting shots

In the waning days of his administration, I’d recommend Obama take the following last stands.

In the time of Trump, all we have is each other

We will endure by holding fast to our integrity, by building community and by spawning new institutions in the midst of the wreckage. We will sustain each other.

The message from the manger

It is not a political or ideological discourse, but the story of Christmas is a parable of light delivered to a world of pain and darkness.

Dystopian Donald

The future according to Trump.

Trump’s attack on the freedom of the press

Historically, these 4 techniques have been used by demagogues to erode the freedom and independence of the press.

In North Carolina, hope amidst political chaos

Republicans in North Carolina are doing everything they can to take away the rights of minorities.

What is the ‘Trump Fix’?

Far from “draining” the Washington swamp, Trump is turning it into an exclusive jacuzzi for the rich.