Thursday, May 2, 2024

Trump’s Russian hand

The dark cloud of illegitimacy continues to grow darker.

The man who gets away with everything

For the man who can get away with everything, these displays of cronyism are only the beginning.

Trump’s creeping tyranny

We must join together to condemn these acts. Has Trump no decency?

How we can fight back against Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency

If we really want to fight Trump, we may have to make these changes without any tax break incentives. We might even have to pay for the privilege.

“We’ll look at everything”: More thoughts on Trump’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan

A revolutionary movement needs a revolutionary financial system.

A victory at Standing Rock, for now

The water protectors will fight "until [they] know for sure that this black snake is dead."

Augustus Trumpus

As America's working stiffs know, if you're not at the table, you're on the menu.

Donald Trump in the White House

It is difficult at this point to know how Trump will govern since so many of his campaign pledges were contradictory or impossible.

Robert Reich | The art of the autocrat

This is the work of a despot who wants corporate America (and everyone else) to kiss his derriere.