Sunday, May 12, 2024

The world must end the US’ illegal economic war

The indiscriminate, illegal and immoral use of sanctions is an act of war.

Two years after Khashoggi’s murder, why is America still an accomplice to MBS’s crimes?

As U.S. leaders continue to coddle the Saudis, it’s difficult not to ask who is more evil...

We must turn solidarity with Ukraine into the new normal for all refugees

The global North’s unprecedented support for Ukrainians has revealed racist double standards. But it’s also an opportunity to extend such solidarity to everyone.

Can the Military-Industrial Complex be tamed?

Cutting the Pentagon's budget in half would finally force the generals to think.

How Jewish nonviolence can help guide the path forward on Israel-Palestine

As a rabbi committed to the practice of Jewish nonviolence, I know a long road of reparative action stretches before us. But it’s the only way.

Israeli forces raid hospitals in Gaza, issue dire evacuation orders amid escalating conflict

Gaza in turmoil: Israeli hospital raids and evacuation orders intensify humanitarian crisis

The Mexicanization of the United States

The destruction caused by neoliberalism is global. The patterns of economic, social, cultural and political assault that Mexico has suffered are afflicting countries from Greece to the United States. Only a worldwide anti-capitalist resistance movement will save us.

Cassius was correct

How many Amerikans, like the good Germans in 1940, cheered the carpet bombing of Iraq, and the subsequent invasion?

Identified Paris Attackers Were Not Refugees

Contrary to previous reports, all identified terrorists involved in the Paris attacks last week were European nationals. Does this affect the outlook on Syrian refugees resettling in foreign countries?

Knee-jerk Nullification: Impeachment Lite

There is far more self-evident misconduct to censure 47 GOP senators than even this regressive House would dare place at Obama's door. Like patriotism for Mark Twain, this cowardly war of party nullification is the last refuse of scoundrels.