Friday, May 3, 2024

The U.S. Military Suffers from Affluenza

An institutional report card with so many deficits and failures, a record of deportment that has led to death and mayhem, should not be ignored. The military must be called to account.

The Tears of Fallujah

“If recent history has taught us anything, it's that the wounds of Fallujah, and those of Iraq’s Sunni in general, must be treated in short order or the conflict will simmer to explosion once again.”

Get the data: A list of U.S. air and drone strikes, Afghanistan 2017

US drones and jets have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes look set to continue into the Trump administration.

No U.S. war on North Korea

An optimistic perspective on a scary crisis.

Pouring trillions into the black hole of war while our national infrastructure continues to...

Pouring more and more trillions into the black hole of war must come to an end before the condition of America’s infrastructure becomes virtually irreversible.

The calm before the storm? What is it, how long will it last?

Are we Americans in the calm before a storm? What lies ahead for the people of this country?

ACLU: The US is acting like an authoritarian regime by barring ICC officials probing...

In September, national security adviser John Bolton threatened U.S. sanctions against ICC judges if they continued to investigate alleged war crimes committed by U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The names you’ll never know

Over the last 20 years, the United States has conducted more than 93,300 air strikes that killed between 22,679 and 48,308 civilians.

US and Russian physicians warn war in Ukraine risks global nuclear ‘catastrophe’

"If even a single 100-kiloton nuclear weapon exploded over the Kremlin, it could kill a quarter of a million people."

The Best, Most Effective Way to Stem This Rising Tide of Terrorism

It is time the Western world steps up to minimize and prevent acts of terrorism rather than just reacting to something that has already occurred.