Sunday, June 16, 2024

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

Maybe if we stopped claiming that we were the greatest, most exceptional, most indispensable nation ever and that the U.S. military was the finest fighting force in the history of the world, both we and the world might be better off and modestly more peaceful.

Failed States and States of Failure

We have no idea what it means at this point in history to turn a region, city by city, country by country, into something like a vast failed state and then continue to bomb the rubble.

Why I weep while I work

Or what it means to experience America's wars from a computer screen away

If the US or NATO put fighters in the air over Ukraine we’d have...

This is for the idiot politicians and pundits calling for a US 'no-fly' zone over Ukraine.

A Memorial Day Reminder of the Nature of War

What follows are some excerpts from letters sent to William Astore’s dad.

War and the imperial presidency

Congress offers a bipartisan blank check to Donald Trump.

Spilling ink and spilling blood

Fighting and writing against America’s forever wars...

Credit-card wars

It’s time for Americans worried about living in a country whose inequality gap could soon surpass that of the Gilded Age to begin paying real attention to our “credit-card wars.”

All wars are illegal, so what do we do about it?

We can replace war with mediation, conflict resolution and adjudication. We can legalize peace.

Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton on duty to warn: Trump’s “relation to reality” is dangerous...

Robert Jay Lifton discusses what is now happening between the U.S. and North Korea, and Iran, and President Trump’s closest aides expressing concern that Trump is unraveling.