Lawmakers reintroduce War Powers Resolution to end carnage in Yemen and reclaim Congress’ constitutional...
Both the House and Senate "should move swiftly to reassert [their] war powers and end U.S. support for this brutal, unconstitutional war."
Merger mania
When, in his farewell address in 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangers of the “unwarranted influence” wielded by the “military-industrial complex,”...
Pivot to peace must replace US pivot to war with China
People need to promote and work toward peace as a top priority as the risk of conflict escalates.
The Iraq War has cost the US nearly $2 trillion
The bill of war to the U.S. to date would be an estimated $1,922 billion in current dollars.
Russia, Ukraine, NATO, and the left
In not recognizing multiple imperialisms, is the Left also guilty of Americocentrism?
Is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan imminent?
Could Washington be in a Tizzy over nothing?
US stands isolated in backing Gaza massacre
The United States has placed itself in a globally isolated position by supporting the Israeli massacre in Gaza.
Get the data: A list of U.S. air and drone strikes, Afghanistan 2017
US drones and jets have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes look set to continue into the Trump administration.
No U.S. war on North Korea
An optimistic perspective on a scary crisis.
The calm before the storm? What is it, how long will it last?
Are we Americans in the calm before a storm? What lies ahead for the people of this country?