Friday, September 20, 2024

The right of return: Will Syria’s refugees be able to rebuild their country?

Western media continues to lend legitimacy to the extremists who have rampaged through Syria for 6 years.

“The shooters are coming!”

War on terror, war on education

The potential dark side of the militarization of Gulf societies

It remains to be seen whether military service will ultimately narrow or broaden social gaps.

The Pentagon’s 20-year killing spree has always treated civilians as expendable

Overall, military spending accounts for about half of the federal government’s total discretionary spending -- while programs for helping instead of killing are on short rations for local, state and national government agencies.

Ted Cruz’s Stone-Age Brain and Yours

Ted Cruz may be able to build up his poll numbers by promising to carpet bomb foreigners in the Middle East of whom we are fearful, but at least we know that biology doesn’t have to dictate our response. Our brains don’t have to stay in the Stone Age.

Obama Not Only Did Not Pay Ransom to Iran, He Denied That Country Billions...

It was just a coincidence that one of the tranches of the repayment to Iran of Iran’s own money coincided with the release of hostages.

Laundered legacies

Colin Powell’s failure to act with integrity on that occasion is what led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Sorry, his legacy is shattered by that historic crime.

Emperor Weather

for the moment, it seems, humanity still has the chance to write its own history in a fashion that would allow for a perhaps less welcoming but still reasonably palatable world for our children and grandchildren to live in. And be glad of that.

The global war of error

No, that’s not a typo.

The Costs of Violence: Masters of Mankind (Part 2)

“Who rules the world?” we might also want to pose another question: “What principles and values rule the world?”