Tuesday, April 23, 2024

All bets are off as Republican democracy killers concoct ever-scarier nightmares

While Democrats work at marginal political solutions, the radical right heads for the rocks, crying “full steam ahead.”

No one should listen to Tony Blair on Afghanistan, here’s why

The former Prime Minister has no conscience at all and feels no guilt for all those maimed and lost in his wars of choice.

Will Americans who were right on Afghanistan still be ignored?

After spending trillions of dollars and killing millions of people, the abysmal record of U.S. war-making since World War II remains a tragic litany of failure and defeat, even on its own terms.

Biden could have spared Afghanistan and US 6 months of pointless war by just...

The Taliban opted to push the U.S. out, understandably not believing that Biden was anymore sincere about ending the war and leaving their country than were presidents Bush, Obama or Trump before him.

Biden must call off the B-52s bombing Afghan cities

As we approach the 20-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we should reflect on how the Bush administration exploited the U.S. public’s thirst for revenge to unleash this bloody, tragic and utterly futile 20-year war.

America’s Afghan war is over, so what about Iraq—and Iran?

Let’s hope Biden has learned another history lesson: That the United States should stop invading and attacking other countries.

In defense of the American Empire (gasp!)

While the U.S. has abused its hegemonic powers, it has also been possibly the most benevolent empire in history.

Erik Prince, the failson face of privatized war

If the face long associated with modern mercenaries were more successful at his business, we might already live in a much more dystopian world.

Unknown soldiers: America’s secret, privatized army

While many American policy makers believe that their country is ‘exceptional’ and thus shouldn’t have to follow long established laws, other governments see the precedents they set and act accordingly.

War is making us poor!

Why is it that the U.S. spends more on military than the next 9 countries combined?