Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Federal judge orders military to accept transgender troops at the start of the new...

“This is a complete victory for our plaintiffs and all transgender service members, who are now once again able to serve on equal terms and without the threat of being discharged.”

What if? An alternative strategy for 9/12/2001

“Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most.” –Thucydides

The U.S. is stockpiling nuclear arms, and the cost is astonishing

We're spending $1.2 trillion on weapons that invariably make the world a more dangerous place.

Anatomy of an ambush: Unanswered questions in Niger

There have been contrary claims by both soldiers and higher authorities in Niger regarding the attack that left 4 U.S. soldiers dead.

The Trump doctrine

Making nuclear weapons usable again.

Massive overkill

Brought to you by the nuclear-industrial complex.

The Saudi purge shaking the Middle East

The seeming power grab consolidates all the major security forces and the military in the hands of the current King Salman and his son, the 32 year old Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman.

Middle East – How America shot itself in the foot

The U.S. needs to learn the art of diplomacy instead of spending a lot of time constantly demonizing and threatening other countries.

Who’s really in charge of the Afghanistan War?

Trump is letting non-elected generals decide to hurl another 4,000 of our men and women into the Afghanistan War.

Osama Bin Laden’s America

Niger, 9/11, and apocalyptic humiliation