Thursday, May 16, 2024

Insignia, badges, and medals for a climate-wracked era

The U.S. military on a planet from hell.

How a Pink Flower Defeated the World’s Sole Superpower

Even in troubled Afghanistan, there are alternatives whose sum could potentially slice through this Gordian knot of a policy problem.

Violence Begets….

“If only enough of our countries' public will demand holding those war criminals accountable, and keep at it... then we will send the rest of the world a sincere message.”

Mike Pompeo and the push for two Cold Wars

If there was ever a time to embrace the kind of international cooperation the left has always called for, it’s during a global pandemic.

Muslims and the War on Terror: Two-plus decades of ‘othering’

Maha Hilal’s “Innocent Until Proven Muslim” lays bare the War on Terror’s toll on constitutional rights and marginalized communities.

Costs of war: 17 years after 9/11, nearly half a million people have died...

The cost of the global so-called war on terror will soon surpass $6 trillion.

The Trump doctrine

Making nuclear weapons usable again.

Social movements under intense attack despite Colombia ‘peace plan’

What connection does the U.S. government or U.S. companies have to the conflict?

The wars we don’t (care to) see

It couldn’t be more important to make America’s disastrous wars of this century more visible.

Why on Earth would the US go to war with Iran over an attack...

President Bone Spur, backed by his warmongering Secretary of State Mike “Armageddon” Pompeo, tweeted yesterday that the U.S. military is “locked and...